Monthly Archives: Luglio 2012

Up side down party

Elena and Vittoria, two teenagers who participated in the teen summer camp in Tarifa, Spain tell us about the party we celebrated on Saturday: "It was very fun when boys dressed up as girls and it made us know each other better. The music and drinks were really good and so was the dancing. Overall, it was very funny [...]

Up side down party

Elena and Vittoria, two teenagers who participated in the teen summer camp in Tarifa, Spain tell us about the party we celebrated on Saturday: "It was very fun when boys dressed up as girls and it made us know each other better. The music and drinks were really good and so was the dancing. Overall, it was very [...]

Summer camp experience Spain – Between two seas

Tarifa is the southern point in Europe. Right here the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean come together in the Gibraltar Strait. The distance between Europe and Africa is just 14 kilometres. This is such a privilege location and that is why today, before going to the Los Lances beach and play with funny inflatables, we have taken a couple [...]

Between two seas

Tarifa is the southern point in Europe. Right here the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean come together in the Gibraltar Strait. The distance between Europe and Africa is just 14 kilometres. This is such a privilege location and that is why today, before going to the Los Lances beach and play with funny inflatables, we have taken a couple [...]

Between two seas

Tarifa is the southern point in Europe. Right here the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean come together in the Gibraltar Strait. The distance between Europe and Africa is just 14 kilometres. This is such a privilege location and that is why today, before going to the Los Lances beach and play with funny inflatables, we have taken a [...]


Esto es la opinión de dos chicas que participan en el campamento de verano Lenguaventura sobre la excursión a Cádiz: "Nos encantó Cádiz. Era una ciudad preciosa y fue una visita muy divertida. La catedral es muy bonita. También visitamos las tiendas pequeñas alrededor de la plaza principal y compramos muchos caramelos" Virginia y Emily

Summer Camp language courses in Spanish and English

Four times a week the participants from the teen summer camp in Tarifa have language classes to improve their Spanish or English. The way of learning goes beyond the typical classroom lessons. The best way to learn a language is by putting it into practice, that is why teachers organise visits to the market, breakfasts or even short films. Here we can see Lili and [...]

Spanish classes

Four times a week the participants from the teen summer camp in Tarifa have language classes to improve their Spanish or English. The way of learning goes beyond the typical classroom lessons. The best way to learn a language is by putting it into practice, that is why teachers organise visits to the market, breakfasts or even short films. Here we can see Lili and [...]

Spanish classes

Four times a week the participants from the teen summer camp in Tarifa have language classes to improve their Spanish or English. The way of learning goes beyond the typical classroom lessons. The best way to learn a language is by putting it into practice, that is why teachers organise visits to the market, breakfasts or even short films. Here we can see Lili and [...]